I Am Coming Home

“There is a kind of magicness about going far away and then coming back all changed.” ~ Kate Douglas Wiggin
"It’s a funny thing coming home. Nothing changes. Everything looks the same, feels the same, even smells the same. You realized what’s changed is you." ~ F. Scott Fitzgerald
"Life Takes You Unexpected Places, Love Brings You Home." ~Melissa McClone

Today is Thursday and I am on my way back to Florida.  A final game drive at Prideland's Game Reserve with my friend Sue - who goes home tomorrow.  I spend Friday packing and being still.  A final Saturday evening of Rugby at The Thirsty Giraffe and then off to catch my plane in Johannesburg.  I arrive on US soil around 6am on Sunday and will land at my temporary home in Fort Myers, Florida around 3pm. I am anticipating a few days of 'how weird is this'.  No animals, the price of food and the moisture in the South Florida air - just to name a few.

The chapter of South Africa 2022 is nearing completion and the next chapter awaiting being written.  It has really been a remarkable, healing, soul satisfying 6 months here at Bush Baby Haven.  So many wonderful memories withTanya and the menagerie that populates this beautiful place - Bush Babies, squirrels,warthogs, antelope, porcupine -- all of the wonderful creatures which in many ways also call this home.  So many wonderful memories of the fiends who have come to spend time - David, Misti, Eileen and Vinny, Janell Sue and Donna. Each was so uniquely special.

I am excited for the next chapter. I can't wait to see what happens next and how I will be inspired to move about in the world with my 'good as new' hip and my revitalized attitude and restored soul.  

 I can't wait to share a moment with all of you who are seeable in the very near future.  Let's set up a date to do that!  The next time we connect will from 'home'.  

Love, love and more love,

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