I suppose I am not officially blogging about the time in South Africa as I am still here in Naples Florida for another week.
The word "Safari" means a "journey" or an "expedition", which I definitely feel like I have already started. Michael Singer, the author of "The Untethered Soul", would be proud of me. Not only is my soul untethered but so is my body. No house, no car, no debt --- not much stuff.
I am quite antsy to head over to say the least. I am ready to unpack everything I own into my new bedroom in Hoedspruit South Africa. Just look and see how beautiful it is! Indoor shower, outdoor shower and a soaking tub the size of TEXAS. Anyone who knows me well knows that the tub is enough to get me to move half way across the world.
I officially have 7 more 'sleeps' in this hotel. My travel companion and I head out to the airport on Monday, March 28th.
We fly to Newark and board a non-stop to Johannesburg at 8:45pm, arrive in Jo-berg (as the natives call it), spend the night and then catch a domestic 1-hour flight up to Hoedspruit. Home sweet home for awhile.
More soon,
Love Denise
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