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I promised you Lions

All is well here in the African bush.  During our stay at Thamabati we were privileged to come across a pride of 9 lions - 7 young boys and 2 girls who had been lucky enough to secure a meal consisting of a young hippo during the night.   Unfortunate for the young hippo of course but very lucky for the hungry young lions.  At any rate, the sighting made for some lovely pictures which I share with you here.

My traveling partner David goes home tomorrow morning and my next friend does not arrive until May 1st, so I will have a couple of weeks to acclimate to the rhythm of life in South Africa.  My charge is to contemplate a worthy message and what is occurring to me this morning is the ongoing  conundrum of time - past, present and future. 

As we awaken to the higher levels of awareness and consciousness available to us, our attention to time shifts.  Prior to this awakening, almost everyone has their primary focus rooted in the past.  This focus almost always has a limiting influence on our happiness in the present and most certainly plays an important role in the future we are constantly creating for ourselves.    In my Facebook Live event this past Saturday, we explored how both the 'bad' and 'good' experiences we have get stored away as memory and then projected into the future thereby affecting our present moment experience of life. Not merely do we limit our satisfaction, fulfillment, happiness and peace but we move through life with our authentic, true and real self concealed by our human story. This inauthenticity is the source of suffering, depression, addiction and a host of other ailments.

A fundamental piece of work every aspirant of authenticity must face and accomplish, is the making peace with the past regardless of what happened, what we think we remember happened or even what we might have made up along the way.  Werner Erhard, the visionary behind the Landmark Forum inspired my life when he said, "Whatever you can let BE, can let you BE."  

I know that this work of letting our past be, forgiving those who made missteps with us and those with whom we misstepped is a process and takes as much time as it takes.  But the time must inevitably be taken because doing so is the opportunity  to architect a future of our own design rather than living a kind of re-run existence where the same old stuff continues to happen.  Trust me, the same old stuff happening has nothing to do with luck or fate or the idea that the 'apple doesn't fall far from the tree".  The same old stuff continues to happen because we are endlessly stuck in the re-play of the past. 

The conundrum of time is that once we let the past be, we are not done with our work. Now we have to manage the human tendency to think we know how the future will turn out. The work of Charles and Myrtle Fillmore, Dr. Ernest Holmes, Jesus, Buddha, Wayne Dyer and every other teacher and avatar of the ages, offers us the truth teaching that how the future gets created is by us through the God-Given tool of creation - our minds.  It is our beliefs, our attitudes, our perspectives, our interpretations and our feelings about all of that which mold s the molecules of existence into things, conditions and circumstances.  That is why Dr. Holmes built his legacy on "Change your thinking, change your life."   Now, I am really talking to myself because I am in this moment (with David leaving) facing an opening for my future and I have this silly idea that I might be bored. And thinking I might be bored is messing with my serenity!

This, of course has nothing to do with reality.  It does have everything to do with who I am in relationship to 'being' versus 'doing'.  It shows up like, "what will I do with my time or myself?"  It ties in with my recent theme of becoming aware of how lions and elephants don't worry about what they are going to do tomorrow.  They never feel depressed at not knowing what their purpose in life is.  And they never stay mad at their mothers.  Only human beings do such silly things. I invite you to join me this week in the pondering of how we put things into the future that we don't really want and then our emotions and feelings respond as if the things we projected actually happen.  How crazy is that really?  Every experience we want -- happiness, peace, hopefulness, joyful anticipation is actually created by us in the only moment there ever really is.  NOW.  NOW. NOW.  Don't awfulize the future!

Join me this coming Saturday at 9am on Facebook and YouTube Live to explore the top of "Creating Something Out of Nothing".

Enjoy the lions,  I will feature the elephants from Thamabati next!

Love, Denise

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Learning from an elephant

This lodge is truly wonderful.  A beautiful room, delicious food and stunning wild life.  A truly remarkable experience from on ever level.  I have so much to share that I am going to do it in three separate blogs.  This one and then one dedicated to the elephants and another to the lion experience.

What has mostly been on my heart today is a question.  Why can't humans live in exactly the same was as an elephant or a lion or a spider?  The question really has to do with BEING and PURPOSE.  When I spend time in nature I am  inspired by any and all creatures simply being THEMSELVES.  The life of the elephant is about food, water and family.  It eats, drinks and raises its young.  There is no acquisition.  No ego gratification.  No accomplishment, No achievement.  No trying to be something other than what it is.  The elephant doesn't care what you  think, whether or not you like it and certainly never languishes over questions of life, death or purpose. 

When a lion kills an antelope it is not being mean, vicious or brutal.  It is simply being ITSELF.  Everything works together as it should and everyone is satisfied with life as it is.   Can you even imagine what life would be like if from the moment of your birth we were allowed, encouraged and supported in simply BEING who we were born to be?  All of the spiritual teachers and way-showers in human history have tried, and continue to try, to speak to us of our inherent perfection, our goodness and our right to live, to be and to do what is ours to do.  Our hearts, at some level, know what we are here to be and so few of us ever allow ourselves to be that.  

I am excited tomorrow to begin a series on "Conversations That Matter:Insights and Distinctions" written by the Landmark Forum Leaders.   Our first exploitation is the essay "If I weren't my past, who would I be?" written by Nancy Zapolski, PH.D. It directly speaks to how and why humans end up so distant from what is natural and right.  Please join me on Facebook and YouTube at 9am.  You might be getting this right at that time -- but hop on if you can.

Enjoy some of the pictures from our game drive here.  More to come!!

Love, love and more love,

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Kapama Game Preserve

Such a great first week here in South Africa.  We have been exploring the area, resting and preparing for the excitement of a few nights on safari Wed-Friday.  Last night we experienced an evening at the Kapama Game Preserve which offers a Covid special - a 3-hour game drive and a 5-course dinner including wine for about $50.  Really a GREAT value.   I am continuing to do the work of melting into 'being' and releasing 'doing'.  In reality sometimes this 'being' is not as easy as I would like it to be. 

 I have often spoken of change and how much most human beings resist anything even resembling significant disruptions in our routine and comfort level.  I am pretty sure I am working on the mastery of living jin the zone of disrupted comfort.  There is a slight difference if the change is self-induced versus induced by some seemingly external forces like another person or circumstance.  In my case, my stroke this past November was the facilitator of great change since, at least for the time being, left me as one who should not be driving and once again re-inventing how I work in the world.   I also love to talk about how we are designed to create 'something out of nothing' which is our innate capacity to architect a life of our own design with a present to future orientation, rather than past to future orientation. So that is what I am working with as I move out of those changes and into a future which first makes me happy and secondly with has meaning and fulfillment.  South Africa is a wonderful place to just "be" and I am working with the questions of how I express my purpose and passion in this lovely land.

Starting this Saturday I am drawn to begin the sharing of the essays contained in the books "Conversations That Matter:Insights and Distinctions" written by the Landmark Forum Leaders.  These essays are not so much spiritual as they are philosophical --but then again I am more of a philosopher than a spiritualist myself!  Our first exploitation will be the essay "If I weren't my past, who would I be?" written by Nancy Zapolski, PH.D.  Please join me on Saturday at 9am EST followed by an opportunity to connect on Zoom immediately following.

As always you can email or WhatsApp me directly at  Join me on Facebook Live at 9am EST.   Begin to explore for yourself where you are in 'being' vs. 'doing' and in contemplating who you might be if you had no past. 

Enjoy the pictures from our game drive last night.  These stunning creatures bring me more joy and happiness than can be conveyed in this writing but I am sure you can appreciate them nonetheless.  Keep in mind that your coming to South Africa is an option for you at any moment while I am here.  Easier and less expensive than you think.  

Love, love and more love,

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A Glorious Arrival

I am happy to report that David and I arrived safely to our destination which is Bush Baby Haven our Airbnb in Hoedspruit, South Africa. Tom Cruise also happens to be here filming the next "Mission Impossible".  How fun is that.  We see his helicopter pick him up and drop him off every day.  The flights from Florida to Newark, Newark to Johannesburg and Johannesburg to Hoedspruit were completely uneventful and lovely.  We arrived on Wednesday at 11:30am, unpacked a bit, grocery shopped and had a really wonderful meal at the "Thirsty Giraffe" - a fabulous local place.  I continue to feel amazing.  My hip has benefited from all of the exercise and my eyes have not deterred me from the joy and peace I feel being here.  Perhaps a tad  feeling foolish for my 5 over-stuffed suitcases - aware now that I will never wear or use half of what I brought.  I did get my Echo Dot to work so Alexa came with me!  A reminder that I will be streaming live on Facebook from Bush Baby on Saturday at 8am EST so pease drop in if you are able.  We will also try a conversational follow-up on Zoom at 9am EST - also on Saturday.  

More to come....

Love, love and more love,

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The Safari Begins

 I suppose I am not officially blogging about the time in South Africa as I am still here in Naples Florida for another week. 
The word "Safari" means  a "journey" or an "expedition", which I definitely feel like I have already started.  Michael Singer, the author of "The Untethered Soul", would be proud of me.  Not only is my soul untethered but so is my body.  No house, no car, no debt --- not much stuff.

I am quite antsy to head over to say the least. I am ready to unpack everything I own into my new bedroom in Hoedspruit South Africa.  Just look and see how beautiful it is!  Indoor shower, outdoor shower and a soaking tub the size of TEXAS.  Anyone who knows me well knows that the tub is enough to get me to move half way across the world.

I officially have 7 more 'sleeps' in this hotel.  My travel companion and I head out to the airport on Monday, March 28th.
We fly to Newark and board a non-stop to Johannesburg at 8:45pm, arrive in Jo-berg (as the natives call it), spend the night and then catch a domestic 1-hour flight up to Hoedspruit. Home sweet home for awhile. 

More soon, 

Love Denise

I Am Home

I have arrived back into the United States filled full and fulfilled with my annual dose of Africa. The trip was exhilarating and I am so glad some of you chose to take it with me. Next year I hope to return to the Masai Mara in Kenya to witness the annual migration of the Wildebeest and hope to be bringing some of you with me. Stay tuned for more information about that. In the meantime I leave you with the mandate to find what fills your soul with pleasure. To find what touches you in a primal and authentic way — and then make it your intention to experience that during your lifetime. I am happy to report that after leaving Bush Baby Haven, Banjo the Bush Baby had twins, and Tanya witnessed two monitor lizards in her back yard having a tryst. Nature is truly a wonderful thing.

Until next time I am over and out for now.
Love, love and more love, Denise

Hard Not To Love a Hyena


The Lion King gave the hyena such a bad reputation but they are really quite beautiful, curious and entertaining…. I wasn’t sure I would have more to share on our last night out but clearly these are destined to be shared.  We are back at our Airbnb chillin — excited about our South African Brie and Spa Day…. Doing our Covid tests in the morning… again!

Proper African Sunset

Today is Thursday the 23rd and our final full day at Shindzela Game Preserve. We finally had a rather warm day yesterday with some sunshine — so YOU get a proper sunset. All is well here. An encounter with a sassy baby Ellie and some lions. Preparing to head back to Bush Baby Haven tomorrow for a final weekend which includes a Brie (South African for Barbecue) and a spa day at the Kapama Lodge which means massage, facial and lunch! Maybe one or two more posts, depending on anything exciting going on.

I will see most of you in person very soon and I am almost fully in the ‘I’m coming home” mode anxious to reunite with my family, my tribe and my stuff!! It has been a blast!